President: Bart Boles
Texas Life & Health Insurance Guaranty Association
E: [email protected]
IAIR was founded in 1991 to provide persons involved with insurance receiverships and financially stressed or troubled insurers a forum to exchange information, develop and promote best practices, establish and maintain accreditation standards, and educate its members and others concerning the administration and restructuring of such insurers.
IAIR’s mission is to serve as a resource and promote best practices for the resolution of troubled companies and enhance expertise among the community.
IAIR became a member of INSOL International in 1993. It provides a focus for INSOL members who are interested or involved in the field of insurance solvency and in the affairs of financially troubled insurers or insurers in receivership.
IAIR offers its members the opportunity to qualify for either of two designations based on their qualifications and experience. These designations are Accredited Insurance Resolutions Director (“AIRD”) and Certified Insurance Resolutions Director (“CIRD”).
Benefits of membership include free registration at Continuing Education accredited Professional Development programmes, member discounts for attendance at other IAIR programs including IAIR’s annual Resolution Workshop, and receipt of IAIR’s industry newsletter, The Insurance Receiver. Further information concerning IAIR can be found on its website at:
International Association of Insurance Receivers (IAIR) - USA