Next Judicial Group Event:
Asia Judicial Round Table
Wednesday 19 March 2025, Hong Kong
The next Joint INSOL International / UNCITRAL / World Bank Group Asia Judicial Round Table will be held on Wednesday 19 March 2025, alongside INSOL Hong Kong 17-19 March.
This Judicial Round Table is an invitation only meeting for the Asia region. The aim of this event is to encourage discussion at a regional level, gathering senior judges with experience of major restructurings and reorganisations involving courts.
About the Judicial Group
INSOL International and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) have been holding joint Judicial Colloquia since 1995. In 2007, The World Bank joined INSOL International and UNCITRAL to present the Seventh Judicial Colloquium and has continued to collaborate jointly on subsequent colloquia. The Colloquia are attended by Judges, civil servants from relevant Ministries and judicial administrators worldwide.
To complement these biennial Colloquia, INSOL International, UNCITRAL and The World Bank Group collaborate to organise regional Roundtables to encourage discussion at a regional level and enable a greater number of judges to participate.
With the growth of cross-border trade, the number of insolvency cases where there are assets in more than one jurisdiction is continually increasing. This growth has implications for the demands placed on courts, not only with respect to number of cases, but also to their complexity and the need for an understanding of cross-border issues.
These round tables are for judges who hear insolvency or restructuring cases or who are involved in the development of insolvency laws and systems.
The round tables will assist participants to understand the issues that arise in the handling of such cases. It will compare the judicial and juridical practice in dealing with practical and theoretical issues arising in cross-border insolvency cases in the different jurisdictions in the region with input from other jurisdictions involved in cases in that region.
The last Judicial Round Table was held alongside the INSOL Tokyo conference in 2023.
The Fourteenth Joint Multinational Judicial Colloquium on Insolvency took place in San Diego on Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 May 2024, prior to the INSOL San Diego conference. The Colloquium was attended by over 50 judges from more than 25 jurisdictions.
For further information about participating in the Judicial Group please contact Susannah Thomson.
Contact Susannah Thomson
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