President: Theodore J. Hamilton
Wetherington Hamilton, P.A.
812 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 101
Tampa, FL 33603
T: 813-225-1918, x-114 E: [email protected]
Bankruptcy Section Chair: Zach B. Shelomith
Leiderman Shelomith + Somodevilla, PLLC
2699 Stirling Road, Suite #-C401
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
T: 954-210-8957 E: [email protected]
Executive Vice President: Phillip J. Lattanzio
Commercial Law League of America
3005 Tollview Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
T: 847-483-6477
E: [email protected]
The Bankruptcy Section was founded to promote high standards in the practice of bankruptcy and insolvency law. Its members are among the highest regarded bankruptcy attorneys in the United States. They have been involved in virtually every type of bankruptcy and reorganizational matter. Their expertise extends to the avoidance of bankruptcy as well through out-of-court workouts, state court receiverships and identifying other means to help the troubled business.
The Bankruptcy Section alerts its members to late-breaking cases and items of importance to their practice through the Bankruptcy Section Practice Alert.
The Section co-sponsors the highly acclaimed ‘Current Developments in Hot and Emerging Areas in Bankruptcy’ annually at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges. Drawing over 1,000 attorneys, judges and other bankruptcy practitioners, this program is one of the highest regarded educational offerings available each year. The Section is extremely active in sponsoring programs during all CLLA meetings for its members on high-level bankruptcy-related topics.
The Bankruptcy Section is the bankruptcy resource arm for the League and has provided the written position papers and testimony on the dozens of times the League has been invited to testify before Congressional committees on bankruptcy issues. The League and Section have not only submitted position papers to Congress, but have also been recognized as one of the sole organizations committed to non-partisan commentary on the proposed changes to the Bankruptcy Code.
The Bankruptcy Section is also the sponsor of the ‘Annual Lawrence P. King Award’ for ‘Excellence in the Field of Bankruptcy’. This award is presented to recognize that lawyer, judge, teacher or legislator who
exemplifies the best in scholarship, advocacy, judicial administration or legislative activities in the field of bankruptcy as epitomized by Professor King.
Commercial Law League Of America Bankruptcy Section (CLLA) - USA