Mr. Ravindra Beleyur

Ravindra Beleyur
Ravindra is currently a Wholetime Director of Beleyur Resolutions Private Limited an Insolvency Professional Entity based at Bengaluru and Proprietor of Beleyur & Associates, Chartered Accountants. His firm/company and he currently focus only on work related with Insolvency Profession and his firm was focusing on Strategy Management Consulting during 2005 to 2017. He has overseen three successful resolutions and liquidation of four companies to date.
Ravindra was working in various industries for 16 years upto 2003– which included the turn-around experience in the role of a CEO of a polyester yarn manufacturing company in Indonesia after Southeast exchange rate crisis during 1997-98. He did his full time MBA from Cranfield School of Management, UK after his turn-around experience during 2003-04.