The Finnish Insolvency Law Association (hereinafter “FILA” or the “Association”) was founded in 2011. FILA brings together lawyers specializing in insolvency law and other professionals working with insolvency issues, and it forms a neutral forum for its members to share experiences and knowledge in order to treasure and enhance insolvency practices. FILA gives its members a great opportunity for both networking and making domestic and international contacts.
The purpose of FILA is to promote connections between its members and to support members in developing their professional expertise. In order to fulfil this purpose, FILA carries out research and development and grants scholarships for insolvency-related studies, organizes training events for its members (usually 3-5 times per year), drafts proposals and initiatives enhancing the insolvency proceedings, comments on the Finnish Government proposals for insolvency-related legislation, and maintains lines of communication with both domestic and foreign insolvency professionals.
Furthermore, FILA also monitors international development and proceedings in the field of insolvency law and its representatives participate in international conferences and seminars on a regular basis.
FILA also supports insolvency-related studies among law students by annually granting an award for the best legal thesis in the field of insolvency law.
The number of individual members is more than 300. In addition, FILA also has 10 organizational members, each of which cover 5-10 individual members. The majority of members are attorneys-at-law, who act as administrators in bankruptcies and reorganization cases. FILA also has members from major Finnish banks / credit institutions, pension insurance companies, accountant and special audit offices, universities, judicial authorities, tax authorities, and among consultants. The number of FILA members has increased steadily.
The President of FILA is Doctor of Laws, Mr. Tuomas Hupli (Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Turku). The Vice Presidents are Ms. Nina Aganimov (Attorney-at-law, DLA Piper Finland Attorneys Ltd), Mr. Jan Lilius (Attorney-at-law, Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd) and Ms. Elina Pesonen (Attorney-at-law, Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd).
For more information regarding FILA, please visit the website or contact Chief Executive Olli Rantanen.
Finnish Insolvency Law Association (FILA) - Finland