President: Dato’ Seri Dr. Mohamad Zabidi Ahmad
Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Wan Ahmad Rudirman Wan Razak
Established under the Accountants Act 1967, the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) is the national accountancy body that regulates, develops, supports, and enhances the integrity, status, and interests of the profession in Malaysia. MIA accords the Chartered Accountant Malaysia or C.A. (M) designation.
Working closely alongside businesses, MIA connects its membership to a wide range of information resources, events, professional development and networking opportunities.
Presently, there are more than 40,000 members making their strides in businesses across all industries in Malaysia and around the world.
MIA’s international outlook and connections are reflected in its membership of regional and international professional organisations such as the ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA), and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
Professional Accountancy Organisation
Under the Accountants Act of 1967, MIA is responsible for (a) determining the qualifications for admission as members of the institute; (b) providing for the training and education by MIA for individuals who wish to practice in the accountancy profession; (c) approving, regulating, and supervising the examinations; (d) regulating the accountancy profession in Malaysia; and (e) promoting the interests of the accountancy profession.
In addition, under the Act, MIA is authorised to establish ethical requirements and an investigative and disciplinary (I&D) mechanism. Under the By-laws of the institute, MIA has also established a quality assurance mechanism. The Accountants Act stipulates that no person shall practice or declare themselves as either a Chartered Accountant or Licensed Accountant unless registered with MIA. MIA confers the Chartered Accountant qualification and membership with the Institute is mandatory for individuals who wish to practice in Malaysia.
Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)