The Law Council of Australia (Law Council), established in 1933, is the peak national representative body of the Australian legal profession.
The Law Council represents the Australian legal profession on national and international issues, on federal law and the operation of federal courts and tribunals. It works for the improvement of the law and of the administration of justice.
The Law Council is a federal organisation representing 90,000 Australian lawyers through their bar associations and law societies and Law Firms Australia (the Constituent Bodies).
The Business Law Section (BLS) was established in August 1980 by the Law Council of Australia with jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to business law. It is governed by a set of by-laws passed pursuant to the Constitution of the Law Council of Australia and is constituted as a Section of Law Council of Australia Limited.
It provides a forum through which lawyers and others interested in law affecting business can discuss current issues, debate and contribute to the process of law reform in Australia, and enhance their professional skills.
Membership of the BLS currently stands at approximately 1,000.
Law Council of Australia (LCA) - Australia