FGV Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem / FGV Arbitration and Mediation Chamber
Established in March 2002 following the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decision that resolved the then-controversy regarding the constitutionality of Law 9307/96, the Chamber does not have its own legal personality. It is another service integrated into the constellation of bodies that make up the Getulio Vargas Foundation.
Chamber FGV is presided over by the President of FGV. It has two Vice-Presidents who are former members of the Institution's Board of Directors. In day-to-day operations, it is managed by an Executive Director, who, in substantive matters involving legal issues, is assisted by a Legal Director.
In the administration of institutional arbitration, the Chamber has its own Regulation with 62 articles that address its organization and provide the foundation for the algorithm of the arbitral procedure. However, it can also administer arbitrations based on other Regulations, such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) rules.
To facilitate the selection of arbitrators by the Parties, Chamber FGV has a Permanent Panel consisting predominantly of legal experts and lawyers but also includes professionals from technical fields, especially engineering. It also includes professors from the law, economics, and administration schools of FGV, emphasizing the institution's brand.
In the event that the Parties wish to appoint arbitrators whose names are not on the Permanent Panel, they are, of course, free to do so. However, the Chamber reserves the right to examine such appointments. This examination is carried out by the Arbitration Committee in the manner provided for in the Regulation.
Futhermore, the Chamber also has its own regulations regarding the operation and organization of Mediation procedures and the Conflict Resolution and Prevention Committee (Dispute Boards).
The Chamber is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, on the first floor of the Oscar Niemeyer Tower, at 186 Botafogo Beach. The institution conducts both in-person and online sessions.
FGV Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem