AUAIRE is a Uruguayan not-for-profit organization, whose members are young and energetic professionals. It was founded on 11 May 2011 and, after being authorized by the Uruguayan authorities, was admitted as a member to INSOL International on 3 May 2012.
It is an organization founded on two critical factors: (i) the organization was conceived as having an international profile and (ii) it is not only for attorneys at law. The members of the association are not only attorneys but also include certified public accountants, managers and economists. This is targeting a multidisciplinary approach to insolvency, corporate restructuring and bankruptcy. In addition, AUAIRE is an association conceived as an organization of practitioners in the field of international insolvency, corporate restructuring and bankruptcy.
Asociación Uruguaya de Asesores en Insolvencia y Restructuraciones Empresariales (AUAIRE) - Uruguay