

Insolvency (Webinar) Training for
Brunei Courts, AGC, Law Society, Banks and Financial Regulators (2022)

INSOL Asia Hub in collaboration with the Singapore and Brunei Supreme Courts organized a three-day training on personal and corporate insolvency for Judges and judicial officers of the Brunei Courts, officers from Brunei ‘s Attorney General’s Chambers and Prime Minister’s office, Law Society members and representatives from various government ministries including financial regulators, banks and other financial institutions

The Day 1 programme held on September 8 shared practice knowledge of the Singapore and Australian bankruptcy regimes. Day 2 on September 22 covered updates on the regional trends and developments in the corporate insolvency and restructuring space and cross-border challenges. The area of focus for Day 3 of the training on September 29 was MSME insolvency.

The training programme kicked off on September 8 with opening remarks by the Chief Justice and Justice Ramesh Kannan, Singapore Supreme Court.

Opening Remarks by The Hon. Dato Seri Paduka Steven Chong, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Brunei Darussalam

Opening Remarks by The Honourable Justice Kannan Ramesh Judge of the High Court, Supreme Court of Singapore Judicial Commission, Supreme Court of Brunei Darussalam


Speaker Profiles 

You can view the recordings from all three days below:


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3