Next Caribbean Round Table Event:
In partnership with The World Bank Group
9 December 2024, The Bahamas
The first in-person Caribbean Insolvency Round Table will take place on Monday 9 December and will be hosted by INSOL International and the World Bank Group. We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. The Round Table will bring together key policy makers, the judiciary, central banks and the private sector together with the aim of discussing insolvency law and related developments across the region. Attendance is by invitation only.
The Round Table precedes the INSOL International Bahamas Seminar, on December 10, 2024, to which regulators, policy makers and members of the judiciary are also invited as guests of INSOL International.
For further information, please contact Susannah Thomson:
About the Caribbean Round Table:
INSOL International has a significant membership base in the Caribbean and INSOL International members, Regulators, law-makers, insolvency practitioners, judges and other stakeholders from the region participating in INSOL International activities have demonstrated keen interest in learning from the experience of other countries. The World Bank Group is the largest provider of assistance to countries in the Caribbean on the improvement of the insolvency systems in the various countries in the region.
The objective of the Caribbean Round Table is to:
- Provide a platform for a high-level dialogue between private sector actors, policymakers, academia and the judiciary on issues relating to insolvency, creditor rights and restructuring law and practice.
- Set up a forum for coordination amongst international bodies, countries, and experts by sharing experience and knowledge.
- Elevate insolvency and restructuring reform on the policy agenda.
- Encourage insolvency policymakers and professionals to establish an annual forum to stimulate discussion and learning across the region.
Attendance is by invitation only. Participation is strictly limited to facilitate meaningful discussion between the relevant stakeholders in the region and to maximize the participation of a diverse group of jurisdictions and stakeholders. Insolvency systems play a major role in modern market economy development. Strong insolvency systems contribute to the efficient use of resources and hence economic growth. They also help underpin investor confidence and financial stability and have been shown to have a major influence on inbound investment.
On the 9-10 March 2022, INSOL International held our first Caribbean Round Table, in partnership with the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.